Umalusi is a statutory body established under the provisions of the General and Further Education and Training Quality Assurance Act (GENFETQA) Act No. 58 [as amended]. Its legislated mandate includes setting and monitoring standards for general and further education and training in South Africa, in accordance with the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) Act No. 67 of 2008 [as amended] and the GENFETQA Act No. 58 of 2001 [as amended].
The NQF Act No. 67 of 2008 [as amended] enjoins Umalusi to conduct or commission and publish research on issues of importance to the development and implementation of its sub-framework, and inform the public about its sub-framework. Umalusi is a member of the Association for Educational Assessment in Africa (AEAA) in good standing.
Umalusi is pleased to announce that it is organising the 40th AEAA conference, which will take place from 19-23 August 2024 in Cape Town, South Africa. The venue of the conference will be Century City Conference Centre and Hotels.
The theme of the conference: Reimagining educational assessment in the age of multiple dimensions of learning in a global society.
The 40th AEAA conference aims to bring together examination councils, assessment bodies, researchers, policymakers, educators, research institutions and government officials, among others, to engage, exchange and share their experiences, research Endings; and discuss topical issues germane to access to, and success in, postgraduate studies.
The theme of the conference is relevant to the current discourses of digital pedagogy, assessment of non-traditional learning experiences, assessment data security, partnerships and quality of education provisioning. The proceedings will contribute to knowledge development on quality assurance of assessments and provide a platform for sharing good practices and lessons from other African education systems.